Restoring Lives.
Revitalizing Communities.

Join our collaborative network of missional initiatives dedicated to revitalizing our cities with the gospel—one person at a time.

It’s easy to see what’s broken, out of sync with God’s hope for our city. 

Carrying Jesus’ vision for restoration and revitalization can feel overwhelming—where do you even start?

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Matthew 9:37-38

Baptism at a worship time in the Harvest Prayer Room
Volunteers hug during a Harvest Movement Outreach
Church leaders united at Revival on the River in Phenix City

Harvest Movement equips everyday people to tell Jesus’ story with their lives, and see the hope of Jesus revitalize our city—one person at a time.

Like you, we know what it's like to feel a burden for our city, unsure of where to start or who to partner with. We started this adventure with just a seed of vision and the faith to cultivate it.

Since 2012, a collaborative network of missional initiatives has emerged. We’ve pioneered pathways to help you discover your part in restoring lives and revitalizing our city.

Collaborate with Harvest

To Collaborate: Co-labor, create together, join forces, achieve common goals

Meet Harvest Movement Icon

Meet us for coffee and tour Harvest Base.

Discover your part in a Harvest Movement missional initiative.

Discover your part in a missional initiative.

Be Equipped to serve our city, Columbus, GA

Be equipped to serve the city.

Harvest Missional Initiatives

Missional initiatives are collaborative efforts to bring long-term and systemic change so people thrive and the places they live are revitalized.

Harvest Movement is a collaborative network of missional initiatives dedicated to revitalizing our cities with the Gospel—one person at a time.

We are passionate about more laborers like you being equipped and sent in to the harvest that’s all around us.

Collaborate with us by serving with a missional initiative, accessing training, or donating to further the movement.

Learn more about Harvest’s story.

Gospel Conversations 101

Talking is one of the first things we learn how to do in life. So why, when it comes to gospel conversations, do we struggle?

This short course will help you engage people with the gospel—and do it well.

Drop in your details and we will email you the link: